"We Were Here" Film Screening + Talk with Filmmaker Fred Kudjo Kuwornu at UCSD
We Were Here - The Untold History of Black Africans in Renaissance Europe by filmmaker Fred Kudjo Kuwornu sheds light on the overlooked presence of African and Black individuals in Renaissance Europe, highlighting their depiction in masterpieces by some of the era’s most celebrated artists. How did they come to Europe? Why were they portrayed? Were they truly all servants or slaves? If the Black faces portrayed in these Renaissance masterpieces could speak, what would they tell us?
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*Times, dates, and prices of any activity posted to our calendars are subject to change. Please be sure to click through directly to the organization’s website to verify.
UCSD - Mosaic Bldg #1139605 Scholars Drive
North San Diego, CA, 92093United States
See map: Google Maps
(858) 534-2230Contact name:
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5 pm - 7:30 pm
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